Welcome To The Table....
About Us
Carriage Rest Tales is a family friendly, real play, home brewed, Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Podcast. We are a group of friends from Kentucky that have been playing together for years and wanted to share the joy of D&D with you. Our podcast is set in the fantasy setting of the Carriage Rest Inn, where the local Bard will spin you tales of villains, heroes, and the merry band of adventures caught somewhere in-between. Welcome to the Carriage Rest Inn!!!
Our Intent
We are a group of nerds that like playing D&D and want to share the joy of the game with you. We are hoping our podcast brings happiness to you, your family, and your friends. In doing so, we also hope to generate an online community of support and appreciation. Our intent in this community is to generate a safe place where people can be themselves. We are Family Friendly, LGBTQ Allies, Pet Friendly, Friends of the Environment, and supporters of allowing people to just be themselves. We expect the same of our community and encourage all of our members to be themselves. Let your freak flag fly, but remember to respect the beliefs of others. Do this and we should all have a fun time.
Meet the Party - Season 2
Mike is our Dungeon Master, and author of our story. He has been playing D&D for about 10 years. He has experience as both a player and a Dungeon Master, but he prefers being the latter. At Carriage Rest Tales, Mike takes on the role of the "Inn Keeper." Mike owns the roles of World Building, Story Development, Narration, and Podcast Editing.

Sam, "Woods", manages our social media, and always brings a laugh to the table. She got into D&D after her husband randomly announced he was going to host a D&D campaign in their small house...Well, after hearing how much fun they were having, she decided to join the table and has been hooked ever since. It was actually Sam who suggested moving our table to the podcast world, so thank you Sam!
Ryan, "Kincaid", is our tables quick wit, trouble maker. He started playing D&D at a young age with his father while living in Germany. He has been both a player and a dungeon master. He prefers being a player, where he thrives on coming up with unexpected twists for his DM to try to handle.

Nick, "Vasso", is our tables anchor, helping keep our table on track. He was introduced to D&D by none other than our DM, Mike, but he has been a constant member of our table ever since. Outside of D&D, Nick is an avid cyclist and runner, and has competed in multiple Iron Mans.

Our Recording Setup
No need to roll a perception check, all of our equipment information can be found below:
o Our Mixer:
The Rode Caster Pro
o Our Mics:
Rode PodMic Cardioid Dynamic
Broadcast Microphone
- Rode WS2 Foam Windscreen
o Our Mic Stands:
Rode PSA1 Desk-mounted Broadcast
Microphone Boom Arm
o Our Headphones:
Audio-Technica ATH-M30x Closed-back
Monitoring Headphones
o Editing Software: